Easy Ways To Generate Painting Leads on Social Media
Whether you’re just starting out or simply going through a quiet period, social media can be a great tool for marketing your services and bringing in more business. Social media marketing is the key to building a loyal, engaged customer base, and having a thriving social community is what will set you apart from competitors. Here are some easy shortcuts to acquiring painting leads online.
Facebook Groups
A recent redesign of the Facebook platform has put greater focus on communities and intimate communication. This push towards Facebook groups benefits professional painters in that it’s now easier to source potential leads. No one likes sales posts on their timeline,so by getting involved in groups, you can target your content towards people more likely to be interested in your services. That said, refrain from spamming all ‘decorating communities’ with ads, blogs and and conversational posts will produce a much greater return. Provide helpful, useful information to relevant parties and the rest will do itself. Just ask friends and family to recommend, share and tag you in posts to spread word of your services.
On social media, quality content is key. Producing informative, high value content is essential to securing leads. Customers like to know that the decorator/decorating team they hire are knowledgeable and up to date with the latest products and trends. By linking to well written, educational blogs you can drive people to your website and turn those visitors into customers. Blogs are also a great opportunity to share your services, and expertise in detail. Link internally to services, past work, prices and contact information. Remember to always include a call to action at the end so visitors can book an estimate without clicking off the page.
If you don’t have a website set up you can always share microblogs, infographics, polls and opinions pieces to the same effect. Try to share alongside high quality videos or images, you want your posts to be as eye catching as possible to prevent potential leads scrolling on by.
Competitions are one of the easiest ways to get quick engagement for your business page. Contests are fairly common on Facebook, so to stand out you should aim to make yours as creative and fun as you can. A successful competition should have a prize that is valuable enough that a large number of people will want to enter, but specific enough that those people are likely to become customers. As an example, a good prize could be a room painted free of charge or a discount code, anything that creates interest in your services would work well. Entry requirements can be as simple as liking, sharing, commenting or it could be used to increase your profile. Have participants caption photos of your work or refer a friend for your services. Even the simplest of competitions should provide a significant boost to your engagement and brand awareness.
Reviews and Recommendations
Separate yourself from your competition with positive, tangible reviews. You shouldn’t be the only one singing your praises. Ask every customer you have or person you’ve worked with to leave you a Facebook review. Reviews are extremely valuable for acquiring new customers, because real life testimonials sell you as a tradesman that can be trusted and relied upon. These assurances are what will win you work over less reputable businesses. Make sure customers tag you in photos of your work, and use custom hashtags if you have them.
Social media is for engaging with new and existing customers. Keep it light, and fun but always include a call to action where you can. Posts can be engaging while still serving the overall purpose of acquiring leads. If you do this, and keep all your information relevant and up to date you should start scoring customers in no time.